Everyday Green Globe is gathering news from our members around the planet and communicating to travellers, tourism professionals, journalists and the travel industry at large. We’ve been collecting articles from our Members and other sources for over a decade, search below to inspire your business toward greater sustainability.

Lamblion Holiday Apartment Antigua and Barbuda: A Voyage of Sustainability in the Caribbean
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Lamblion Holiday Apartment Antigua and Barbuda: A Voyage of Sustainability in the Caribbean

Lamblion Holiday Apartment is located in the heart of the beautiful twin-island state, Antigua and Barbuda and has recently been awarded its inaugural Green Globe certification, achieving an impressive 81% of all criteria

 Lionel and Lorilyn Walker (nee Lambert), are Lamblion Holiday Apartment’s management team and welcome this prestigious sustainability award for their family-owned property. For the Walkers the journey of sustainability has been a fulfilling one and they encourage all small accommodations to continue to look for small ways to make improvements to their environmental program as the long-term benefits are many.

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Top Caribbean Resort Dedicates Nature Preserve to its Home Community
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Top Caribbean Resort Dedicates Nature Preserve to its Home Community

Undeveloped green space in Aruba is becoming harder to find on the small island. This will soon change according to celebrated hotelier Ewald Biemans, Owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort. Together with island friend Grete Marie Case and a significant sponsorship by the resort, they have donated 12 hectares (30 acres) of their private land as a nature preserve for the public to enjoy. Under The Bucuti & Tara Nature Preservation Foundation, The Bucuti Tara - GMC Park is debuting including a reforestation initiative to honor the resort’s 35th anniversary as a proud supporter of its island community.

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Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-South: Sustainability Starts in the Neighborhood
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-South: Sustainability Starts in the Neighborhood

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-South recognizes that, “We are part of the world and part of a local community.” For the hotel it makes real sense that they have an influence in the world through the contributions they make in their neighborhood. 

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-South places great emphasis on consuming local and keeping an eye out for ways to reduce consumption and consume smarter. And at the same time, they are part of a local community, supporting local initiatives and small businesses who wish to make a difference in the world.

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Mövenpick Hotel ‘s-Hertogenbosch, den Bosch: Social Conscience from the Heart
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Mövenpick Hotel ‘s-Hertogenbosch, den Bosch: Social Conscience from the Heart

Mövenpick Hotel ‘s-Hertogenbosch is located on the waterfront of Lake Provinciehuis just outside the historical city centre of den Bosch in The Netherlands. The hotel was first certified by Green Globe in 2011 and has attained the highest-level PLATINUM status for continuous improvement of its sustainable management practices.

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Valsana Hotel: Highest Quality Swiss-Made Sustainability
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Valsana Hotel: Highest Quality Swiss-Made Sustainability

When the Valsana Hotel, Arosa, Switzerland opened in 2017 sustainability was put at the heart of the project. This continues to be a major focus for the hotel and the ethos has been embraced by their staff. The hotel was built with sustainable technologies and materials. Materials, such as wood from the "old" Valsana buildings, were used in construction of new buildings.

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Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport: An International Hub for Sustainable Practices
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport: An International Hub for Sustainable Practices

Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport is located at the intersection of work and play in a peaceful corner of Schiphol Airport’s business area and near to Amsterdam city center. First certified in 2016, Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport is a Green Globe GOLD member, signifying more than five years of sustainable management and operation.

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KongressBotschafter:in-Award 2022 der Hansestadt Lübeck
Brad Cox Brad Cox

KongressBotschafter:in-Award 2022 der Hansestadt Lübeck

Zum 11. Mal wurde anlässlich des 17. Akademischen Abend am 01. November 2022 in der Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck (MUK) von lübecKongress e.V. und der MUK unter der Schirmherrschaft der Hansestadt Lübeck die Auszeichnung „KongressBotschafter:in-Award 2022 der Hansestadt Lübeck“ vergeben.

Die Jury, bestehend aus den Vorstandsmitgliedern von lübecKongress e.V., Ilona Jarabek (Geschäftsführerin Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck), Christian Martin Lukas (Geschäftsführer Lübeck- und Travemünde Marketing GmbH) und Prof. Dr. Stefan Fischer (Vizepräsident Transfer und Digitalisierung der Universität zu Lübeck), wählte aus acht nominierten Kongressen den diesjährigen Preisträger aus.

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Der Regensburg Tourismus GmbH liegt die Nachhaltigkeit am Herzen
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Der Regensburg Tourismus GmbH liegt die Nachhaltigkeit am Herzen

Einen Erfolg im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich konnte die Regensburg Tourismus GmbH Anfang September 2022 feiern. Das Unternehmen wurde von Green Globe re-zertifiziert. Die Auszeichnung ist ein Beleg für die harte Arbeit, die das Unternehmen über Jahre in die Nachhaltigkeit investiert und ein Beispiel wie erfolgreich man im Bereich des ressourcenorientierten Wirtschaftens sein kann.

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L'Heure Bleue: Sustainability Meets Bohemian Luxury on Nosy Be Madagascar
Brad Cox Brad Cox

L'Heure Bleue: Sustainability Meets Bohemian Luxury on Nosy Be Madagascar

L’ Heure Bleue, Madagascar enjoys unhindered views of Madirokely Beach and Ambatoloaka Bay and is renowned as an “Ecolochic Hotel”, with just 8 luxury lodges and 10 waterfront bungalows. The hotel is the only resort on the island of Nosy Be to have received certification for its environmental and socio-economic management and has achieved Green Globe GOLD with an exceptional compliance score of 91%.

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Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach: Sustainability by the Numbers
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach: Sustainability by the Numbers

Amery Burleigh, General Manager Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach says, “During the global lockdowns, people suddenly saw with their own eyes the impact humans have on our environment and are now looking to do business with partners who take measured steps to reduce this impact. At Mövenpick Jumeirah Beach, we have a long history of sustainable practices that grow each year.”

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Villa Dubrovnik: Pioneering Sustainable Tourism in Croatia
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Villa Dubrovnik: Pioneering Sustainable Tourism in Croatia

Villa Dubrovnik was first certified by Green Globe in 2019 and has achieved an elite position with a score of 93% of Green Globe compliance indicators. Tourism has become a significant contributor to Croatia’s economy, accounting for 20% GDP in 2019. Visitor numbers have grown to an estimated 11 million tourists per year, delivering good economic contributions and a stronger need for sustainability initiatives by the country’s hospitality businesses. 

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HEART College of Hospitality, Jamaica Awarded Green Globe GOLD Certification
Brad Cox Brad Cox

HEART College of Hospitality, Jamaica Awarded Green Globe GOLD Certification

The HEART College of Hospitality Services/Cardiff Hotel and Spa is a hospitality training institution and hotel. Nestled on 10 acres of land overlooking the Caribbean Sea at Cardiff Hall in Runaway St Ann, the property boasts a picturesque view of the Caribbean Sea and is beautifully landscaped with a wide variety of plant species.

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EVVC: Vorreiter und Impulsgeber für Mitglieder und Partner
Brad Cox Brad Cox

EVVC: Vorreiter und Impulsgeber für Mitglieder und Partner

Der EVVC konnte Mitte September einen Erfolg im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich feiern. Das Unternehmen wurde von Green Globe re-zertifiziert. Die internationale Auszeichnung zeigt wie erfolgreich man im Bereich des ressourcenorientierten Wirtschaftens arbeitet und welche Vorreiterrolle man sich als Verband in der Nachhaltigkeitsperspektive erarbeitet hat.

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Logros ecológicos de Occidental Tucancún
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Logros ecológicos de Occidental Tucancún

En las costas frente al hotel está presente el Certificado Playa Platino, un programa a nivel Nacional, este logro fue alcanzado por el esfuerzo de todos los colaboradores que están comprometidos con la limpieza y conservación de la playa donde conseguimos altos estándares de calidad y sustentabilidad. La gran característica de las playas con este distintivo es que sus espacios deben de estar libre de residuos, así como, mostrar permanente presencia y vigilancia. Impulsando el cuidado y protección de las playas mexicanas obtenemos grandes beneficios en pro de la sociedad y del medio ambiente por lo que nuestro hotel Occidental Tucancún se tomó la responsabilidad de certificar la playa.

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Constance Moofushi Maldives: Fighting Plastic Pollution in the Indian Ocean
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Constance Moofushi Maldives: Fighting Plastic Pollution in the Indian Ocean

Constance Moofushi’s unique setting, in a pristine environment, is enhanced by many cultural and economic interactions with island neighbors. To maintain its unique community and unspoiled marine-scape, the resort incorporates environmental leadership into everything they do and adopts best practices while complying with Maldivian and international regulatory requirements.

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