Our Green Globe Members
With over 800 members in more than 80 countries worldwide, Green Globe represents a truly international membership upholding the highest standards of sustainability. Through different cultures, nations or languages our members are united in their commitment and outstanding achievements.
Platinum Member status is awarded to members that are certified for 10 consecutive years & Gold Members for 5 years; and is the highest level designation offered by Green Globe, only possible when a member meets all requisite criteria within the Green Globe Standard for Travel & Tourism (or their sectoral Standard)
To contact one of our Global auditors in your Region visit Auditors
Our members cover the continent of Africa including the islands of Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius & La Réunion.
Our Americas Members represent mainland North America, Mexico and Central America to the South American countries of Brazil & Ecuador.
Asia Pacific & Indian Ocean
Our Asia Pacific & Indian Ocean Members cover a vast area of the globe from Australia in the South to China & Japan, SE Asian countries; and across to Sri Lanka and the Maldivian archipelago in the west.
Despite being a string of islands the Caribbean represent over 60 Hotels & Resorts from the Bahamas via Jamaica, Barbados, Dominican Republic; down to the islands of Aruba, Grenada & Curaçao.
Our over 300 European Members are the largest representation with the most Platinum & Gold certificates; stretching across all of Europe from Russia to Western Europe, the Mediterranean and north to Nordic Countries.
Middle East
Our Middle Eastern Members comprise over 11 countries including large representation from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates & Turkey.