Everyday Green Globe is gathering news from our members around the planet and communicating to travellers, tourism professionals, journalists and the travel industry at large. We’ve been collecting articles from our Members and other sources for over a decade, search below to inspire your business toward greater sustainability.

Hamanasi Adventure & Dive Resort: Regenerates Environment and Communities in Belize
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Hamanasi Adventure & Dive Resort: Regenerates Environment and Communities in Belize

The resort’s goal is to minimize negative impacts and regenerate the environment while increasing awareness and appreciation for nature and diverse cultures. Hamanasi privately owns 45 acres of land in the village of Hopkins of which 25 acres, or over 55% of land is designated to remain as a nature reserve in addition to the reforesting of the coastal area where the resort is situated.

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Barcelo Allegro Cozumel: Trasformando El Turismo Sostenible
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Barcelo Allegro Cozumel: Trasformando El Turismo Sostenible

En el Hotel Allegro Cozumel hemos adoptados prácticas sustentables que no solo preservan el entorno natural, sino que también fortalecen la comunidad local. Desde nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad, el hotel ha implementado diversas iniciativas que sirven de inspiración y modelo a seguir.

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Creating Plant-Forward Menus to Meet Sustainability Goals
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Creating Plant-Forward Menus to Meet Sustainability Goals

Ready to lead your hotel's culinary programming towards a greener future? Join our upcoming webinar, Creating Plant-Forward Menus to Meet Sustainability Goals, where we'll explore how plant-forward menus can significantly reduce your environmental footprint.

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Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam Takes Great Steps Forward in Its Sustainability Journey
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam Takes Great Steps Forward in Its Sustainability Journey

Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam was awarded Platinum status in 2022, marking ten years of consecutive certification. A wide range of sustainability actions are in place that are well implemented and supported by the hotel’s Green Team and staff members. New technologies and sustainable suppliers have been introduced and staff eagerly contribute to community initiatives and environmental causes.

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Hotel Okura Amsterdam: At the Forefront of Sustainable Practices
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Hotel Okura Amsterdam: At the Forefront of Sustainable Practices

Hotel Okura Amsterdam works closely with suppliers to encourage responsible practices and minimize carbon emissions. Local suppliers are preferred whenever possible, fostering a sustainable and resilient regional economy. For instance, the hotel has collaborated with Wine Estate St. Martinus to create Cuvée Okura, a Dutch Sparkling Wine, and with Dutch Brewery Homeland to produce Okura Beer.

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 Ladera Resort Makes Dreams Come True for Local Kids
Brad Cox Brad Cox

 Ladera Resort Makes Dreams Come True for Local Kids

Another social initiative is the resort’s contribution to the Christmas Toy Drive held annually in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Development & Sports of Saint Lucia. For the past few years, the Adopt-an Angel initiative for underprivileged kids aged between five and twelve years old has been held with generous support from staff, guests and the public.

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Playa Hotels & Resorts: Stays With A Cause
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Playa Hotels & Resorts: Stays With A Cause

By supporting their destinations, the planet, and people today, Playa Hotels & Resorts creates a brighter tomorrow with all their communities and partners. For Playa Hotels & Resorts the process of achieving Green Globe certification is invaluable in attracting increasingly eco-conscious travellers.

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Fairmont Mara Safari Club: Leading the Way in Sustainability
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Fairmont Mara Safari Club: Leading the Way in Sustainability

Fairmont Mara Safari Club is proud to announce significant strides in our commitment to environmental sustainability. As a luxury safari destination deeply connected to the natural world, we recognize the urgent need to address climate change and contribute to global conservation efforts. Achieving Green Globe certification involves meeting rigorous standards across multiple criteria.

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Fairmont Nile City Hotel: Blazing a Trail Toward a Sustainable Future
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Fairmont Nile City Hotel: Blazing a Trail Toward a Sustainable Future

Fairmont Nile City Hotel, a leading luxury hotel in Cairo, is proud to announce its unwavering dedication to sustainability and environmental stewardship. With a vision to revolutionize the hospitality industry's approach to sustainability, the hotel has embarked on a transformative journey to set a new standard in sustainable practices.

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Axel Guldsmeden: Sustainable Hygge in Copenhagen
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Axel Guldsmeden: Sustainable Hygge in Copenhagen

The Danish have a word for being cozy and comfortable, hygge. And Green Globe certified, Axel Guldsmeden, is a great example of hygge; it's warm, it's welcoming, and it's a place you can feel at home and know that you're doing a great thing for the planet. Maya Ramsey finds out how Guldsmeden marries hygge with sustainability.

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Fairmont the Norfolk Achieves the Prestigious Green Globe Certification
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Fairmont the Norfolk Achieves the Prestigious Green Globe Certification

Fairmont the Norfolk is proud to announce that it has been awarded the renowned Green Globe certification, a testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. This recognition underscores our dedication to implementing eco-friendly practices and contributing positively to our community and the earth.

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Green Globe Occidental Cozumel: Sostenibilidad que Fortalece Nuestra Comunidad
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Green Globe Occidental Cozumel: Sostenibilidad que Fortalece Nuestra Comunidad

El proyecto de Occidental Cozumel "Uniendo Cozumel", representa su compromiso tangible de colaborar estrechamente con diversas instituciones y asociaciones locales. No solo buscan ofrecer apoyo material y financiero, sino también compartir tiempo y recursos para contribuir positivamente al desarrollo y bienestar de nuestra comunidad.

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Royalton Riviera Cancun Leads in Sustainability with Green Globe 2024 Certification
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Royalton Riviera Cancun Leads in Sustainability with Green Globe 2024 Certification

Since becoming the first resort in the Blue Diamond Resorts portfolio to achieve Green Globe certification in 2016, Royalton Riviera Cancun has maintained its commitment to sustainability. Its recent recertification with a compliance score of 94% highlights the resort’s elite status in sustainability, offering guests a luxurious and environmentally conscious stay.

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66 Guldsmeden: Good Housekeeping for the Planet
Brad Cox Brad Cox

66 Guldsmeden: Good Housekeeping for the Planet

Who knew that the housekeepers at Green Globe certified, 66 Guldsmeden, are on the front line of saving the planet. Many things that are left in the rooms can be recycled and reused, such as pens and pencils and plastic shopping bags. And guests can also elect not to have their bed linen changed every night. Housekeepers make up the beds every day, but only replace linen when requested. Cutting out unnecessary laundering, saves energy, reduces use of detergents and gives the bed linen a longer life.

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Raffles Makkah Palace Awarded First Green Globe Certification
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Raffles Makkah Palace Awarded First Green Globe Certification

Achieving the Green Globe certification was significant for Raffles Makkah Palace as it marked progress in the hotel’s journey towards sustainable operations and adherence to environmental standards. It also acknowledges steps taken so far to integrate eco-friendly practices across the entire property.

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Bryggen Guldsmeden: From Factory to Hospitality
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Bryggen Guldsmeden: From Factory to Hospitality

Bryggen Guldsmeden was originally a shoe sole factory and is a great example of how this Green Globe certified hotel group live and work sustainability. Maya Ramsey discovers that Bryggen has an abundance of innovations including showers that recycle up to 86% of the water used, and the in-room mini bars have been replaced with honesty kiosks on each floor.

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Mövenpick Hotel Cairo-Media City Cultivates Own Farm to Lower Footprint
Brad Cox Brad Cox

Mövenpick Hotel Cairo-Media City Cultivates Own Farm to Lower Footprint

The hotel has cultivated its own Mövenpick Farm where an unused area within the property has been transformed into a thriving farm that grows fresh ingredients including eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and zucchini for buffets. The farm initiative eliminates the need to transport in fresh produce and supports local agriculture thereby reducing the hotel’s carbon footprint.

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