Everyday Green Globe is gathering news from our members around the planet and communicating to travellers, tourism professionals, journalists and the travel industry at large. We’ve been collecting articles from our Members and other sources for over a decade, search below to inspire your business toward greater sustainability.
Hôtel Barrière Le Gray d’Albion Cannes: Where Luxury and Sustainability Come Together
For the third year, Hôtel Barrière Le Gray d’Albion Cannes has been awarded the prestigious Green Globe certification, an international standard recognised for its stringent sustainable development criteria. By achieving a compliance score of 89%, the hotel is establishing itself as a key player, inspiring its teams, partners and clients to work towards a more sustainable future.
Le Barthélemy Hotel & Spa: Where Sea and Earth are Essential
The stunning surrounding marine life has motivated Le Barthélemy Hotel & Spa to develop environmental plans that will protect, preserve and promote the reef ecosystems. Guests are invited to engage in on-site activities supporting local organizations such as the Environmental Territorial Agency and Coral Restoration St. Barth. The hotel aims to make contributions to these efforts a natural extension of the guest experience,
Amsterdam Conference Centre Beurs van Berlage: Impactful, Positive Events
Green Globe Certification announces the recertification of Amsterdam Conference Centre Beurs van Berlage. Green Globe recognizes the venue’s dedication to sustainability and its robust initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint while hosting conferences and events. Since 2022, Beurs van Berlage has maintained Green Globe certification, a globally recognized standard for sustainability within the travel, tourism, and event sectors. This certification reflects the venue’s ongoing efforts to minimize its environmental impact and implement sustainable practices across its operations.
Yalo Urban Boutique Hotel Guaranteeing a Good Life in Ghent
Yalo Urban Boutique Hotel has officially earned Green Globe certification recognizing the hotel’s commitment to sustainability for the 3rd year in a row. Green Globe’s certification process acknowledges the hotel’s dedication to sustainable tourism through its support of local charity partnerships, energy saving and carbon reduction, and rewarding their dedicated hospitality staff.
Die Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck (MUK) erreicht Platin-Status bei der Green Globe Zertifizierung.
Die MUK hat in diesem Jahr den Platin-Status von Green Globe erreicht. Diese Auszeichnung würdigt das Engagement des Veranstaltungshauses für Nachhaltigkeit, nachdem fünf Jahre in Folge die strengen Anforderungen des Green Globe- Zertifizierungsverfahren erfüllt wurden. Dieser weitere Meilenstein im Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement unterstreicht, dass ökologisch verantwortliches und nachhaltiges Handeln im Unternehmen verankert sind. Durch das Engagement des gesamten Teams und mit Unterstützung zahlreicher Partner wird sich die MUK weiterhin dafür einsetzen, umweltfreundliche Praktiken zu fördern und innovative Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu finden
High Expectations at Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa
Green Globe has awarded Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa its inaugural certification. The luxury resort is situated atop a cliff surrounded by lush greenery amidst 27 acres of tropical woodlands.
Raffles Singapore Awarded Inaugural Green Globe Certification
Green Globe has awarded the iconic Raffles Singapore its inaugural certification in acknowledgement of the property’s sustainable management and operations. As Singapore’s oldest hotel established since 1887, Raffles Singapore is one of the few remaining great 19th century hotels in the world.
Das RETTER Bio-Natur-Resort dank regionaler Kleinlieferanten seit 20 Jahren bio-zertifiziert
Das RETTER Bio-Natur-Resort im oststeirischen Naturpark Pöllauer Tal ist das erste Hotel in Österreich, das 2013 mit dem weltweiten Umweltgütesiegel „Green Globe“ und dem österreichischen Umweltzeichen ausgezeichnet wurde. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren dank vieler regionaler Kleinlieferanten bio-zertifiziert. ENKELTAUGLICHES ÖSTERREICH – Partnerbetrieb seit 2022 und seit 2024 ist das RETTER Bio-Natur-Resort auch Mitglied in den Wertegemeinschaften „Bio Hotels“ & „Slowfood Österreich“.
Beau-Rivage Genève Passionately Preserves The Past and Present
Genilac is the largest ecological thermal network in Switzerland that allows the hotel to be cooled using water from the lake to refresh the air. Water is drawn from Lake Geneva at a depth of 45 meters, at an average temperature of around 7 degrees Celsius, which is then transported to Beau-Rivage Genève. This innovative 100% renewable solution delivers fully measurable ecological benefits.
Cruise Port Amsterdam: First Cruise Terminal to be Green Globe Certified
Green Globe has awarded Cruise Port Amsterdam its inaugural certification. Cruise Port Amsterdam has instigated broad range sustainability actions on energy, water, waste and purchasing as well as running a green office and focusing on carbon reduction. It has a small but dedicated team working on implementation and improvements at the cruise terminal.
SO/ Maldives Pioneers Fashion-Forward Eco-Conscious Luxury
SO/ Maldives continues to set the standard for sustainable luxury, offering guests an unforgettable experience that combines high fashion, cutting-edge design, and a deep commitment to the environment.
Stay in Harmony with Nature at OMM INN
OMM INN was the first boutique hotel in Turkey to receive Green Globe certification. The hotel’s Stay in Harmony sustainability program is a testament to OMM INN's commitment to a harmonious coexistence with nature and its ecosystems. The aim of the program is to meet the needs of the present while contributing to a better greener future.
Team Effort Drives Sustainability at Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort
Environmental protection remains central to the resort’s mission, with initiatives like regular beach clean-ups, a dedicated seagrass farm and hands-on marine conservation workshops. Guests can also explore the captivating marine ecosystem up close with the educational Marine Walk program, offered during low tide.
Hôtel Hermitage Monte Carlo: Dedicated to Monegasque Culture and Environment
The historic Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo is dedicated to the preservation of Monegasque culture. The hotel has a specific appellation called l’Hôtel des connaisseurs (the hotel for connoisseurs), whose aim is to promote its exceptional architectural heritage and history, and to share the value and the spirit of the hotel with its valued clients.
Multi-dimensional Events Spark New Sustainability Practices at PaderHalle
To encourage diversity among staff members, PaderHalle has partnered with a local, inclusive laundry service that employs individuals with disabilities. The initiative fosters a sense of respect for others within the workplace and provides a livelihood for disabled people within the community.
Schützenhof Paderborn: Green Catering Promotes Region and Produces Biogas
Schützenhof has implemented the ReFood program, a food waste management system that ensures all food waste collected is processed into renewable energy. This initiative significantly reduces the venue’s carbon footprint by diverting food waste from landfills, where it would produce harmful methane emissions. Instead, the waste is converted into biogas, a clean and renewable energy source.
Mövenpick Resort Phan Thiet: Caring for Children and the Environment
Green Globe recently awarded Mövenpick Resort Phan Thiet in Thailand its inaugural certification. The resort’s core values and mission is embodied in its unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility. Various sustainable practices are in place with a focus on energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, CSR activities and raising awareness among both internal and external stakeholders.
Mövenpick Hotel Amman Committed to a Greener Future
Mövenpick Hotel Amman actively participates in local community initiatives focused on environmental protection and supporting sustainable development in the region. Social programs carried out year round include tree planting initiatives, community welfare collaborations and local clean-up campaigns.
Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa: Sustainable Practices Saves Food and Local Animals
The spectacular beachfront property adheres to a comprehensive sustainability management plan that focuses on reducing environmental impacts and also incorporates the support of animal welfare. Started in November 2023, the Food Donation Program is dedicated to the welfare of approximately 200 stray dogs under the care of the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture.
V Villas Hua Hin – MGallery Collection Awarded Inaugural Green Globe Certification
V Villas Hua Hin - MGallery Collection offers its own unique and enchanting beauty, inspired by terraced rice paddies and an Italian villazzo. V Villas Hua Hin – MGallery Collection has a comprehensive sustainability management plan in place that supports the establishment of green practices within a luxury boutique hotel.