Atmosphere Core: Impact for Local Community
Through registered NGO Atmosphere Foundation, Atmosphere Core has launched five projects and made a difference in the lives of 8,000 Maldivians. The foundation supports existing charities and runs education and civic engagement projects. A recent initiative being the Bamboo For Climate Change Mitigation project which has involved donation of 1000 bamboo plants to 9 community islands which together are home to over 5,000 people.
As part of its future vision, Atmosphere Core said it will have a resort with zero contribution towards landfill waste within the next year. The company also inked a partnership with Lootah Biofuels to replace diesel with green biofuels made from used cooking oil across its 8 resorts. Along with producing and supplying biodiesel, the initiative will also provide waste cooking oil recycling services in the Maldives.
Among the company’s accomplishments are tripling the contribution of solar energy to their energy mix, preventing 2.4 million plastic bottles from ending up in landfills, and installing thousands of coral fragments to support marine life.
Furthermore, the company has driven impact through innovative initiatives such as establishing a responsible supply chain. In 2021 each of the company’s resorts sourced its own dry goods individually. By July 2023, a total of 60% of all dry goods was being sourced centrally removing the need for thousands of individual orders from resorts and hundreds of flights and boat trips. In addition, the company is working towards sourcing 100% of its dry good centrally by the third quarter of 2024.