Green Globe

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New Energy Saving Measures Lighten Quiet Times at Hotel Okura Amsterdam

Eastern and Western influences are uniquely entwined at Hotel Okura Amsterdam where Japanese elegance and tranquility meets chic Dutch style. The 5-star property is located in the hip and trendy De Pijp neighbourhood in The Netherlands.

Green Globe recently recertified Hotel Okura Amsterdam for the eighth consecutive year.

“I am very proud of achieving the re-certification and we will continue to work on implementing further green practices in order to improve our sustainable performance,” said Michiel Roelfsema, General Manager at the hotel.

Hotel Okura Amsterdam is to be commended on their green achievements that have been initiated in trying circumstances. The hotel took advantage of the quiet times during lockdown periods to invest in energy saving measures that will have long term benefits.

During hotel closures, the property worked on several sustainability projects, including updating its water pressure systems. Three large pumps have been replaced with four smaller pumps, resulting in more efficient energy consumption.

Renovation of several guest rooms as well as The Lounge were also completed in 2020. Old equipment was replaced with more energy-efficient ones and Room Domotica, a guest room management system, was installed and activated on the 20th, 21st and 22nd floors. The system automatically turns off lights, closes curtains and switches off air-conditioning when no movement is detected.

Furthermore, four guest elevators were also modernized with the latest technology that has resulted in considerable energy savings and lowered operational costs.

Please click here to see Hotel Okura Amsterdam’s range of Covid-19 Measures.


Roos Bijen
Marketing & Communications Officer
Hotel Okura Amsterdam
Ferdinand Bolstraat 333
1072 LH Amsterdam
T +31 20 6787 489