The Tschuggen Collection: Environmental Protection is the Most Important Challenge

The Carlton Hotel St. Moritz - The Tschuggen Collection

The Tschuggen Collection is the first Swiss premium hotel group to bring effective climate protection measures and exceptional standards of hotel management under one roof. Green Globe recently recertified The Tschuggen Collection, comprised of four properties - the Tschuggen Grand Hotel, the Valsana Hotel, the Carlton Hotel St. Moritz and Hotel Eden Roc in Ascona. The hotels are situated in prized locations amidst spectacular natural beauty that serve as a daily reminder of the group’s firmly held belief that protecting the environment is the most important challenge of our time.

Minimising Carbon Emissions
All four properties adhere to stringent sustainability management plans that focus on key green actions. Thanks to innovative energy concepts such as heat recovery systems, thermal insulation and consumption optimization, the Tschuggen Collection's total fossil fuel consumption has already been reduced by more than 60% over the last 10 years, significantly minimizing carbon emissions. In addition, all electricity is 100% eco-certified. 

Banning Fossil Fuels by 2025
A new target has been set at all properties to work towards the eventual elimination of all fossil fuels. A new heating and cooling system utilizing water from the lake and groundwater at the Hotel Eden Roc is expected to decrease fossil fuel usage by a further 20%. This will be followed by a new energy concept, the installation of a photovoltaic façade for the Tschuggen Grand Hotel. From there, new developments will take place toward the achievement of 100% renewable energy. The aim of initiatives is to optimise building infrastructures to phase out most fossil fuels by 2025.

Financing Climate Protection projects
The Tschuggen Collection also takes responsibility for the parts of its ecological footprint that cannot yet be reduced. The group finances climate action projects, including environmental and conservation projects, that have carbon benefits beyond the level of total calculated residual emissions. Furthermore, investments in carbon offset projects at home and abroad through the myclimate foundation enables the group to take responsibility now as opposed to delaying action until ‘perfect’ solutions become available.

Regeneration and Preservation of Eco-systems
Intact moorlands represent some of the most efficient CO2 reservoirs on earth. The Tschuggen Collection finances the regeneration of drained moorlands throughout Switzerland, thereby preserving valuable eco-systems and biodiversity.

 Rewilding Projects successfully carried out to date:
2019: Rewilding of a raised bog of national importance in the Tourbières de Ponts-de-Martel nature reserve in the canton of Neuchâtel.
2022: Rewilding of the Bos-cha lowland moor in the Lower Engadin.
2023: In collaboration with local foundation Pro Terra Engiadina, rewilding of the Palü Lunga lowland moor in the Lower Engadin was just being initiated.  

Promoting Biodiversity
All dishes created at the family run Tschuggen Collection use fresh natural ingredients and products to showcase Swiss cuisine. All of the Collection’s restaurants now offer 100% plant-based menus alongside responsibly sourced meat, fish and dairy dishes. Up until now however, 240 native plant species have already become extinct in Switzerland with around one third of all species considered endangered. To resist this alarming trend, the company invests in ongoing rewilding projects and extensive greening programs. Onsite insect hotels and bee colonies have also been installed to encourage regional biodiversity.


Constanze Märzheuser (née Grossmann)
Director of PR
The Tschuggen Collection
Corporate Office – Zeltweg 7
8032 Zürich  
P: +41 79 279 55 36 

Helena Chang
Public Relations Manager
Green Globe Certification
1223 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 925
Santa Monica, CA 90403 / U.S.A.


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