César Ritz Colleges Switzerland - Le Bouveret Awarded First Certification

Photo: Barbados Today

Located in a magnificent former hotel dating back to the early 1900s, the César Ritz Colleges Switzerland - Le Bouveret Campus offers a tranquil and safe study environment with modern facilities. The school is situated in the charming village of Le Bouveret, nestled on the shores of beautiful Lake Geneva and just minutes away from neighbouring France.

Green Globe recently awarded César Ritz Colleges Switzerland - Le Bouveret Campus its inaugural certification.

Sylvana Navarro, Hospitality Assistant Dean at the College said, “We are all very proud and excited to be awarded our very first Green Globe Certification. When preparing for the certification process, it was a challenge finding the perfect balance between providing excellent quality in Culinary and Hospitality education while managing our impact on the environment. Our sustainability goals had to be thorough, identifying areas for development and best practices to establish procedures that were on the right track.”


Le Bouveret Beehives

César Ritz Colleges Bouveret has its own Green Team comprised of Directors and staff from all departments who are involved in the operation of a more sustainably focused school. Preservation of local ecosystems is one of the school’s key priorities. Resident expert beekeeper, Mr Romain Petitcolin, takes care of 150 000 honeybees that live onsite and runs workshops with all the students. Practical hands on experience is gained by the students through observation of the life cycle of the bees and honey production. Students also help collect honey from the hives once a year which is given to guests visiting the school.

Association for the Protection of Lake Geneva

César Ritz Colleges Bouveret contributes financially to the Association for the Protection of Lake Geneva (Association pour la sauvegarde du Leman or ASL) to assist in raising awareness about the conservation of biodiversity in Switzerland. The ASL was created in 1980 to safeguard the quality of the waters of the Lake Geneva basin, namely that of the rivers and Lake Geneva. Future project planning is currently underway and the school hopes to conduct a workshop in collaboration with the ASL that highlights the importance of preserving this natural resource.

Rehabilitation Ornithological Centre

To help save local bird species, César Ritz Colleges Bouveret will install bird houses at the forest behind the campus to boost bird population numbers. The school is in consultation with the Rehabilitation Ornithological Centre (COR), a non-profit association dedicated to the care of birds in difficulty and the protection of avifauna. COR trains and informs members of the public about issues related to avifauna preservation. The Centre provides the best care for native birdlife and focuses on rehabilitation so that birds can be quickly returned to the wild.


Ms Sylvana Navarro
Hospitality Assistant Dean
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
Route Cantonale 51
CH-1897 Le Bouveret
P: +41 24 482 81 33
E: sylvana.navarro@cesarritzcolleges.edu
W: www.cesarritzcolleges.edu


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