César Ritz Colleges Switzerland: Zero Waste, Vegan Cheese and Biodynamic Wine
Educational excellence at Green Globe member César Ritz Colleges, Le Bouveret Campus Switzerland includes keeping staff members up to date with all the latest sustainability issues. Knowledge gained is passed onto hospitality students and absorbed into Le Bouveret campus culture.
Esther Falgate, a representative from Zero Waste Switzerland gave an insightful presentation highlighting the issue and demonstrating various methods of reducing and managing waste. During interactive sessions, participants were encouraged to consider how these principles could be applied on campus. Esther concluded the presentation demonstrating how relatively small adjustments not only have a long-term effect on the environment, but they can also impact operational budgets positively too.
Zero Waste Workshop
Last month, twenty-five participants including lecturers, chef instructors and members of the school’s operations team participated in a sustainability focused workshop. As part of ongoing staff development programs, the aim of the workshop was to sensitize staff members to environmental issues associated with waste disposal both in their personal and professional lives.
Esther Falgate, a representative from Zero Waste Switzerland gave an insightful presentation highlighting the issue and demonstrating various methods of reducing and managing waste. During interactive sessions, participants were encouraged to consider how these principles could be applied on campus. Esther concluded the presentation demonstrating how relatively small adjustments not only have a long-term effect on the environment, but they can also impact operational budgets positively too.
Vegan and Biodynamic Markets
Keeping with the evening’s environmental focus, the event finished with a cheese and wine tasting featuring dairy-free cheeses, creams and yoghurts from New Roots and a range of biodynamic wines. Assi Grunder, Sales Director from New Roots, discussed the drivers of growth in the vegan “dairy” market which are linked to environmental, health and animal welfare concerns.
A sumptuous selection of products along with delicious accompaniments were presented in line with waste reduction principles and in a manner befitting the luxury hospitality sector that César Ritz students are destined to work in.
The Zero Waste workshop was a team-building opportunity which, as part of Le Bouveret’s journey of continuous sustainability improvement, will provide concrete results through small changes across the campus.
About Green Globe Certification
Green Globe is the worldwide sustainability system based on internationally accepted criteria for sustainable operation and management of travel and tourism businesses. Operating under a worldwide license, Green Globe is based in California, USA and is represented in over 83 countries. Green Globe is an Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). For information, please visit www.greenglobe.com
Ms Sylvana Navarro
Hospitality Assistant Dean
César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
Route Cantonale 51
CH-1897 Le Bouveret
P: +41 24 482 81 33