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Vendimia Solidaria 2023: Abadía Retuerta’s Charity Wine Project is Back

Once again, Green Globe Certified Abadía Retuerta is launching the latest vintage of its Vendimia Solidaria charity wine. This prestigious winery is located in Sardón de Duero, Valladolid, Spain.

The Vendimia Solidaria project, which began in 2014, aims to highlight the hard work of those associations and foundations that safeguard and promote the community development of vulnerable collectives.

This year, Abadía Retuerta has collaborated with the Eusebio Sacristán Foundation, an inclusive sports school in Castilla y León. The school seeks to ensure that sport and physical activity become an element to aid personal development, as a tool for inclusion and a key factor for participation and identity. To date, over 200,000 people have taken part in activities there.

The Foundation was set up by ex-footballer Eusebio Sacristán, who wanted to share his experiences as an elite sportsman with wider society. His objective was to make sport, physical activity and healthy leisure pursuits more accessible to all, and therefore help build a more inclusive world for vulnerable people at risk of exclusion.

Following the harvesting of the grapes, all of which were of the Tempranillo variety, a wine was produced via the carbonic maceration technique. This is a very delicate process, which requires great dedication, leading to a highly aromatic and fresh-tasting wine.

As well as its strong commitment to charity endeavours, as a fundamental pillar of the estate’s winemaking project, Abadía Retuerta continues to support fine art. This is seen in the label for Vendimia Solidaria, which has been designed by Emmanuela Soria. Geografía inventada (“Invented Geography”) shows what the estate looks like from above, particularly the gardens and the vegetable plots. A labyrinthine text invites us to reflect on life there on the ground, as well as human digestion. It came about following the artist’s visit to Abadía Retuerta: she shares a similar environmentally-friendly outlook, and her piece was inspired by our organic vegetable garden.

This fundraising initiative by Abadía Retuerta is only possible thanks to the charitable work of all those involved in the production process. They include the artist Emmanuela Soria, who designed the label; the design and photography studio Iglesias Comunicación; the company Mata Digital, who printed the cards; Biolid, who printed the labels; Verallia, who manufactured the bottles; Masilva, who made the corks; and Ramondin, who made the capsules for the bottles.

All of the money raised from this collective action will be donated to this social, non-profit foundation.

For more information:

Patricia Garvía Soler 
International Communication Coordinator
M.+34 610 468 604
Abadía Retuerta  
Sardón de Duero - Valladolid - Spain