Green Globe

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Green Globe Confirms Consistent Sustainability – Stadthalle Reutlingen Again Fulfills 100 % of all Criteria

Sustainability excellence of Stadthalle Reutlingen was confirmed again for recertification in 2022, with 100 % of all criteria fulfilled – result: a happy, proud team (image: Stadthalle Reutlingen)

In 2022, sustainable venue Stadthalle Reutlingen again succeeded in fulfilling all 100% of the criteria required in the extensive Green Globe Audit during the regular recertification process. In this, Stadthalle Reutlingen has proven once again that attractive event management and sustainability are an ideal match – even in difficult conditions such as the challenges resulting from the pandemic.

That coup succeeded thanks to building equipment becoming ever more energy-efficient, a remarkable team performance, and utmost diligence in every detail of optimized processes. Based on intense efforts, and in spite of overall conditions that still render planning difficult, Stadthalle Reutlingen remain dedicated to their comprehensive sustainability strategy.

What is needed to unite economics with ecology? Quite simply: smooth interaction between attractive and economically feasible events, either as on-site, hybrids, or wholly online formats, and huge commitment and creativity from the Stadthalle team. Since Stadthalle Reutlingen reinforces such skills by adding value through sustainability, relevant new market opportunities arise for the venue, as well as for the location in general.

Even during highly challenging times such as the pandemic, Stadthalle Reutlingen keeps working to maintain its good reputation and clear position as a sustainable, responsible event venue.

Optimized Resource Management in all Details – Added Service Value Included

To fulfil demanding goals like a successful re-certification with 100 % of all criteria fulfilled, a close cooperation with partners throughout the entire value chain is of utmost importance. Delivery routes can be significantly shortened by deploying additional, local caterers, resulting in noticeable reductions in food and drink waste. Combining careful, attentive use of resources with valuing foodstuffs results in increasing service value for visitors. This is organized specifically through a Digitization of Intermission Catering Service. Since 2021, Stadthalle visitors can access comfortable, improved online or phone reservation services to order snacks and drinks for intermissions. In pandemic times, this service has become an important key point within the hygiene and safety concept; additionally, time and paper are saved on site, and orders can be processed more quickly, so when the doors open for intermission, snacks and drinks are already waiting on high tables booked in advance by event visitors.

Green roof and an on-site photovoltaics facility contribute their share to Stadthalle Reutlingen’s sustainability concept (image: Stadthalle Reutlingen)

Electricity is sourced from the event hall roof or from other renewable sources, while the optimized building management system significantly contributes to energy consumption reductions and the good overall result. Energy consumption in non-used areas is lowered significantly, e.g. by optimizing illumination. By purchasing additional LED floodlights for multi-varied and sophisticated illumination scenarios, the Stadthalle achieved up to 75% in energy savings per floodlight. Along side this, stage lighting was optimized with a fourfold improvement in illumination levels. The result was significant savings, specifically reducing energy requirements by 50%.


Deliciously local – food and drinks are sourced locally by preference, and unique specialties are integrated into the Catering Concept, like the Mutscheln shown above – small yeast-based cakes typical of the region (image: Stadthalle Reutlingen)

Sustainable Strategy for Delivery Chains and Added Value
Stadthalle Reutlingen also looked very closely at how they organized delivery chains and create value in a sustainable manner. Local and regional partners are preferred, for instance, the Stadthalle serves apple juice made from fruit sourced locally, and grown sustainably in mixed orchards with meadows. Further refreshment is ensured through local mineral water, food is prepared with seasonal ingredients, and typical regional specialties are served, and these special catering approaches are greatly appreciate by clients and visitors. Print media is produced in sheltered workshops, as are packaging orders for Christmas mail and parcels. Furthermore, Stadthalle Reutlingen share Best Practice knowledge and experience as game changers on multiplier platforms such as the Baden-Wuerttemberg Sustainability Days event, Chamber of Industry forums or industry conventions.

Increasing Acceptance by Involving Clients and Visitors in our Sustainability Concept
Since communication on sustainability is another key factor, Stadthalle Reutlingen emphasizes clear graphics showing electricity supplied from renewable sources. A display in the Visitors Centre presents information on the performance and energy share achieved by the photovoltaics unit installed on the hall roof. Clear diagrams showing current performance and performance history since commissioning are displayed. Thus, the positive effect of carbon emission savings in comparison to the equivalent consumption of fuel oil, natural gas and coal are rendered visible in a comprehensible and impressive manner.

A charging point for cars and e-bikes was installed within the Stadthalle underground car park; it can be used even in times when no events take place (image: Stadthalle Reutlingen)

Small Contributions to Great Effect
Another measure within Green Globe activities is enhanced paperless office practices. To save paper and further increase efficient work processes, staff at Stadthalle use personalized tablet PCs during client appointments and in drawing up and sending off contracts and invoices. Wherever possible, resources are saved while improving service. Staff also receive support in purchasing e-bikes, work travel is done by train wherever possible. Everyday commute to work and back is preferably done via bicycle or public transport.

Sustainable travel to and from events, free of charge: the specially labelled event tickets double as public transport tickets (image: RSV)

Planning Events in a Thoroughly Sustainable Way
To support sustainable mobility, Stadthalle Reutlingen relies on integrating public transport into our visitor service. Through optimized notifications on all digital information display units within the lobby, visitors can view possible bus connections in real- time. Display is structured to inform precisely on departure times, listing any delays to the minute. Through combination tickets with the naldo transport association, all specially labelled event tickets double as free public transport tickets, ensuring eco-friendly travel to and from events at Stadthalle Reutlingen.

A Clear Future Concept Ensures Responsible Event Management 
Petra Roser, General Manager at Stadthalle Reutlingen, concludes, “Increasing demand by our customers, as well as ongoing changes in perception of sustainability in the society as a whole, all confirm we are on the right course in consistently aligning operations with sustainability. Our entrepreneurial commitment has borne fruit again, resulting in our highly successful Green Globe recertification, securing the future: whether it is our own future as an attractive, sustainable event venue, or that of our environment. We see this as a fusion of competitive advantage with acceptance and putting responsibility into practice.“


Michèle Maritzen
Projekt- und Veranstaltungsmanagement

 Stadthalle Reutlingen GmbH
Oskar-Kalbfell-Platz 8
72764 Reutlingen
Tel.: 07121 3355-140
Fax: 07121 3355-185